Guard Dog Tactical Ridgeback Level IV+ Multi-Curve 10X12 Ceramic Plate | 8.3 Lb/Per – Black
Guard Dog Tactical Ridgeback Level IV+ Multi-Curve 10X12 Ceramic Plate | 8.3 Lb/Per – Black
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Guard Dog Body Armor’s Ridgeback Level 4+ Plate is designed to give you the maximum amount of protection, in the smallest package possible. Using a Multi-Curve design, coupled with an Alumina and UHMWPE interior, this ballistic plate has been engineered to far exceed NIJ Standards and stop up to 5 rounds of .30-06 M2 AP (2,800 ft/s) ammunition with its premium hexagonal tile face. Featuring a SAPI Style cut to optimize movement, and an aramid face cover to prevent spalling, this has been tested to be water, abrasion, and UV resistant. Weighing in at 7.8lbs and fitting a 10×12 Plate Carrier, the Ridgeback delivers. · Stops: 5.56x45mm 55 grain ball (M193), 7.62x39mm PS ball (MSC), 7.62x51mm 149 grain M80 FMJ, NATO M855 (SS109) 5.56x45mm 62 grain steel core (SS109), M855A1, 5 rounds of 7.62x63mm M2 AP